Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Fraud Fix Sneak Peak!

Here's a new track for you to get headphoned out to. More to come from "the tapes". I'll keep everyone updated. Peace!
Islands by Fraud Fix

Friday, May 14, 2010


Hey guys just want to drop a quick update on what is going on in the world of Fraud Fix.

Recently (4.20.2010) I released my first LP on Milled Pavement Records' Emben Digital entitled "Moontrapped". It can be purchased through multiple distributors online. For purchasing info please visit the MP site directly and check out all the other artists featured on the label; it is quite the clusterfuck of international musical awesomeness. Some really talented dudes on there.

As a result I was fortunate enough to attract kind words from IAMALASER.COM and my buddies over at GnarlyArmy.com. Check out what they had to say and leave any feedback that you might have!

I want you all to know I am energized as hell and I'm working my ass off on some new mixes and tracks for a live set to take place hopefully soon. Nonetheless, I feel the blood flowing, and have so much new inspiration - going to release some new mixes via a mixtape with longtime friend and old flatmate Agona from the Valley. In addition, some tracks are going to be peppered online - more info to come. In the meantime, enjoy a little nugget of what is to come on my myspace player - "Islands"

Stay in touch:
I have gravitated towards facebook for most of my music-to-fan interactions but won't completely fall off the myspace boat.
Keep in touch with me many ways:

For up-to-date online releases and free downloads, check out my SoundCloud

That's all for now!

Bottoms up,
Fraud Fix